Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ending the Drought

Okay, so I am sitting here staring at the computer, thinking that whatever I finally decide to post has to be FABULOUS since I have not posted anything for years.  I just came to the conclusion that whatever finally does get posted will not live up to the "big picture" that is floating around in my head.  I realize that I cannot catch up what has happened in the last few years here, but that I can start where we are in our lives and move forward.  (Thank goodness, I am a HUGE journal writer so we have all of those memories recorded!)

With school starting and my work picking up, we are being forced into getting organized.  I have a HUGE list of things to do, plans to make, and schedules to keep.  I have had to force myself to step back and tackle little bits in hopes of accomplishing the big task eventually otherwise I am just too overwhelmed and I turn into a psycho. 

My first task is to accomplish a meal plan.  A few months back I sat down with the calendar and jotted down a dinner idea on every day.  Of course this made Kaelee one super happy camper, because as we all know, if Kaelee does not have a full belly, EVERYONE pays.  Her whole being revolves around food.  So this time I have decided to take it one step further.  I am going to add in cooking extra meals and storing them in the freezer to make life easier on some of those crazy days that happen all too frequently.  I have been searching for some new recipes to go along with our family favorites that I know freeze well to add to the menu.  I think I have finally collected a few good ones.  The next step?  Create a grocery list and pick a day to do the cooking.  This upcoming week looks to be way too crazy with birthdays and possibly 3 shifts to squeeze it in, aiming for the first part of the following week.  I am really excited about this and can't wait to have some quick, easy dinners ready to go.  I am so hoping that this will eliminate fast food, I HATE it!

***Phew!!! The drought of blogging has ended.***