Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am so glad it is March and February is over. I really do like February, at least a couple of days of it, because after all my last name is love. However, it is really just a dark and dreay month. Snow, mud, cloudy days aagggghhhhh! With three dogs mud is a huge bummer! Maybe now there can be hope for James a job with Spring almost here. This unemployment is deffinately not fun!
Just found an old friend and I am so excited to renew that incredible friendship. Friends are such a rare gem that truly do get better with time! They are what keep us going and encourage us to be better. I haven't talked to her too much and already she wants me to be better at keeping up with blogging. I read a great article a few months back in Family Fun, one of my fave magazines, about how a family used a blog as a family history and to keep other family members updated. At the end of the year, the family would complie the blog and have it printed in hardbound for their family records. How cool is that? I am going to try that. We will see how it goes.

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